We all know that when you’re spending time outside, you want the best quality gear that will be able to withstand any harsh elements or surprises that come your way, but we also know that price is important. Buying used or discontinued/discounted gear is the best way to buy name-brand, quality gear at a great price.
The used gear being sold on these sites can be items that were worn once or items that have been repaired and ran through quality testing again. A worn Patagonia puffy is still a good Patagonia puffy, you’re just not paying full price. Plus, buying used is awesome for the environment and keeps so many pieces out of the landfill. They’re usually items that aren’t ready to be in the landfill anyway.
The discounted gear is typically just last season or an end-of-season clearance. It’s often colors or patterns that didn’t sell as well but still good quality gear.
Here are the best websites to get used and discounted gear:
The North Face takes previously worn, damaged, returned, or defective gear and refurbishes and resells the product which means you can usually score TNF items for 50%+ off. Unrepairable items are broken down and used to make completely new, one-of-a-kind pieces. You can find those items under their “Remade” section. Plus, this gear is still backed with their one-year return policy.
We all know it can hurt sometimes to look at Patagonia’s prices, but we also know their gear is built to last forever. It’s definitely an investment. Patagonia really encourages everyone to use their gear forever and repair their gear when something happens. Patagonia Worn Wear is a hub for used Patagonia products where you can score pieces that are heavily discounted. Some of them are repaired and some of them have just been traded in. This extends the life of products and keeps them out of the landfill + gives you access to cheaper gear which is just a win for everyone.
The Rei Outlet is one of the best places to get discounted gear. The items are mostly just end-of-season or last season’s items which means they’re heavily discounted and still new + in good condition. Plus, the items bought in the Rei Outlet are still backed by their 100% satisfaction guarantee meaning you have a whopping 365 days to return the gear. If you want an even better deal, check out the Used Gear tab on their website where you can score items for 40-80% off!
CampSaver is an awesome website with a massive selection of discounted gear. They even have their own outlet that has even more discounted products. They typically do a 20% off coupon when you sign up for their email list. Talk about a scooooore!
GearTrade is a good site to buy used gear that’s usually 40%+ off. It is listed by individuals who ship the items to you. Think of it like an eBay but only for outdoor gear. They charge a 13% commission fee in comparison to eBay’s 10% but it helps keep items out of the landfill which is a win. Overall, it’s a good site to both buy and sell used gear.
Arc’teryx may be an expensive brand but for good reason. Their products are built with high-quality material and are put through rigorous tests to ensure their ability to handle the most extreme weather and events. The creation of their products is very hands-on and goes through multiple quality inspections before it arrives in the hands of the customer. Sometimes the highest quality comes with a steep price. The nice thing is they offer trade-ins which means you can buy used or repaired gear for up to 60% off making it a little more bearable. If you prefer new, shop their outlet for clearance items as well!
Outdoors Geek offers a rent, try, and buy program which allows you to try gear before knowing if you even need/like the item before purchasing. They have tons of different packages for you to be able to rent outdoor gear. If you end up liking the gear you rent, you can purchase it! Or you can just go ahead, and purchase used gear. This site has some of the best prices I’ve ever seen.
You can find a ton of discontinued and closeout gear on this site. Head over to their clearance section for some super good steals.
9. Amazon
I know it’s not always the first choice for buying outdoor gear, but amazon sometimes has great deals. People often forget that you can buy secondhand or resale gear on amazon as well. You can find the secondhand gear by searching for the product you want, and on the right side of the product page, you’ll see a “New & Used” button which will also show the item and a discounted price. Search through for a used marked-down item!
Sierra Trading Post is one of my favorite stores to go into. You never know what amazing deal you’re going to find when you walk in. They carry a wide variety of big brand names for 20-60% off. They buy department store cancellations, products from a manufacturer that made too many items, or closeout deals when vendors want to clear merchandise at the end of a season. A lot of items at Sierra can be found in other big-name outdoor stores but at Sierra, they’re heavily discounted. Sometimes it takes some digging to find items you want, but it’s always been worth it for me!
11. eBay & Craigslist

Last but not least, the trusty eBay and Craigslist. These sites may be a hit or miss with outdoor gear, but I know a lot of people who have scored major discounted items on these sites. I’m guilty of using eBay often as I enjoy the online search and using the bid or offer button to grab a good deal. Craigslist is nice too as it helps to check out the item in person before purchasing as pictures of used gear can sometimes be deceiving.
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